My Montrose: Krista and Kobra, STRETCH Studio

By | November 28, 2017

Tell me about STRETCH.

Krista: We are sisters, and we have always wanted to work together. I found yoga, Pilates, and cycle when I was 15, and it was an easy way to get in my exercise in a safe environment. Kobra started Pilates about four years ago. She has a very strong background in hospitality. She went to U of H for Hospitality and Restaurant Management.

Kobra: I worked at MD Anderson right before I came here. I helped breast cancer patients through mastectomies and things like that. It was a period of about nine years or so just working there. Through it all, our dad had cancer so we wanted to support and help people there. Then we came here, and I got really excited because I got to see [Krista] every day. We can work on our bodies and our minds [together] too and helps us be healthy. And I’m enjoying meeting new people all the time, and see the recurring clients that come back.

Krista: I think what makes us really special is that we really want to take care of people. So it’s really important to have small classes where we can correct everbody’s alignment and help them out. We can give everybody modifications, instead of everyone having a “one size fits all.”

Can you tell me a little bit about your space here?

Krista: So what makes us special is that we have two private rooms. You get your own room with your own machine, one on one. All the attention is on you with no distractions. When you’re doing exercise, sometimes your body can be in positions that maybe you are not comfortable in with a room of ten people. So we really wanted people to be comfortable and not feel self-conscious. We are also the only studio to have the machines that we do. Those machines are extra-wide carriage memory foam. We handpicked everything that is in here, chosen from the perspective of the client. We really wanted to put ourselves in the client’s shoes and cover every single detail. We have aromatherapy. We have cold lavender towels for people afterward.

Kobra: We kept the structure of the building and just painted. So we have the bones of the old Montrose and the inside of the new Montrose. We have the original gates from the law office that was here.

Why did you choose to locate STRETCH in Montrose?

Kobra: It’s really funny. The address is magical. My birthday is October 22nd, and her birthday is October 5th. I’m the first born. The address is 2205, so 22nd and 05, and it was so weird. That was icing on the cake.

Krista: We love this neighborhood. We come here for all the restaurants and the bars. And the community is pretty unique and friendly.

Kobra: There’s always something new to do. There are a lot of people walking in the area, and it’s lively and fun.

Krista: We go to Inversion way too much. We go to Blonde Biscotti, and Bungalow Coffee.

Is anything special coming up at STRETCH?

Kobra: We have our one year anniversary coming up in February.

Krista: we have a new client special right now. One of each class (Pilates, yoga, and cycle) for $45. That way you can try a little of everything and learn what you like to mix and match.


STRETCH Studio, 2205 Montrose Blvd,

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