The Montrose Management District Offers Bridge Light Colors to Nonprofits to Support the Community

By | July 24, 2017

Montrose Management District Accepting Requests for Using Programmable Lighting on Bridge and ID Markers

Houston, Texas (July 24, 2017) – The Montrose Management District (MMD) announced today that it is accepting applications from charities and nonprofit organizations to highlight events that impact the community using the new programmable LED lights on the Montrose bridges and the District’s ID markers. The District has already announced that it will change the Montrose bridge and ID marker colors in observance of holidays. Apart from those dates, the district will consider applications from nonprofit organizations for changing the colors.

“We are pleased to demonstrate our support of nonprofit causes, as well as to promote awareness of various initiatives that impact our diverse community,” said Claude Wynn, MMD Chairman of the Board. “The bridges are a significant landmark in Houston, and we look forward to giving nonprofits the ability to use the lights in their promotions and awareness-building efforts.”

Lightings in honor of holidays, historical events, and extraordinary events/occurrences of City, State, National or International significance, and/or City and Montrose initiatives will be considered. Requests will be taken on a first come, first serve basis and are subject to approval by the Montrose Management District’s board of directors. For more information about the holiday lighting schedule and the submission process for non-profits, please visit

About the Montrose Management District: Improving the quality of life in the historic Montrose area is one of several focuses of the District. The Board of Directors follows a service, improvement, and assessment plan to meet the needs of the District. The plan focuses on four core areas including: enhanced public safety, business and economic development, strategic planning, and visual and cultural improvements.

For more information on the Montrose District, visit:

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.