Montrose Management District response to posters hung in bus shelters by unknown persons in April 2017

By | April 28, 2017

The Montrose Management District is shocked and dismayed by recent discoveries of anti-LGBT materials posted around Montrose. The District is working closely with law enforcement officers to uncover those responsible for defacing public property and deliberately attempting to antagonize members of our community. We will use every available legal remedy to hold perpetrators responsible and discourage future acts.

The Montrose Management District condemns hate speech of any kind and is dedicated to protecting the diversity, vibrancy and sexual identity and orientation of individuals who live, work and visit our community without question or prejudice. We view our charter of enhancing and promoting the commercial interests of business owners as being intertwined with protecting the rights and liberties of our proudly diverse community.

Montrose is a unique and cherished part of the City of Houston. Our community’s identity is based on individual freedoms and the opportunities for our citizens to pursue life on their own terms. The Montrose Management District stands with our friends and neighbors against any efforts to threaten or alienate a minority or group.

Please report any incidents of hate speech, whether in person or through signage, to the Houston Police Department at 713-884-3131.

One response to “Montrose Management District response to posters hung in bus shelters by unknown persons in April 2017”

  1. Sara Kellner

    Thank you!

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.