Fate Of Community Garden In Montrose May Be Determined By The City Of Houston
The Houston Chronicle reports that property at 803 Kipling hosting Greenleaf Gardens is up for sale. However, it will very likely remain a garden-focused green space if the seller’s desires come to harvest. Property owner William Winkler purchased the 8,400-square-foot plot close to three years ago after a fire destroyed the house previously occupying the land. Winkler transformed it into a community garden by “clearing the lot, building the beds and amending the soil,” before offering plots to others for rent.
Fast forward a few years where “mounting costs” led Winkler to “seek a financial breather,” eventually listing the property at $630,000. According to Winkler, the City of Houston has since sent a letter of intent to purchase the lot. In a statement to current garden tenants, Winkler says the city “would like to keep the lot open green space and turn it into a neighborhood park, hopefully with an emphasis on organic gardening.”