Summer Message from the Chairman of the Board, Claude Wynn

By | June 20, 2013

Summer has arrived, there’s no better time to get out and enjoy the beauty of the Montrose District and all of its diverse entertainment and dining options.

With a lush green canopy shading our signature boulevard, this is the perfect time to enjoy a meal or a refreshing beverage at an outdoor cafe table, or just sit and people-watch.

Many of our restaurants in the District have been enjoying very favorable national press attention lately, in magazines like GQ, Texas Monthly and Southern Living. We hope you’ll patronize these and other Montrose-area establishments––old favorites and new temptations alike.

There are some significant improvements going on within the Montrose Management District. As you may already know, one of the primary initiatives to keep Montrose clean and green is our recycling campaign. These bi-annual events are where residents can dispose of their electronics and small appliance recyclables and shred sensitive documents. The most recent event on April 27 kept over 8,000 pounds of recyclables out of our landfill. The next big event will be October 26 and details are available on the District web site.

Regular street-sweeps, clearing of illegal trash dumping, and an ongoing graffiti abatement campaign are also making a positive impact on the overall appearance of our community. To those of you who have reported such incidents, we extend our thanks and would like to encourage more to aid in our efforts to keep the District clean.

With all of these beautification efforts underway, what could be more inviting than two new Houston Bike Share locations in our own neighborhood? The Hay Merchant and the Freed Library are just two of 21 bike share locations in the city center, and a third one near Katz Deli is in the works as the city works toward a goal of 30. More than 100 volunteers biked in from the stations to City Hall in early April for an official launch of the program.

Our two business ambassadors, Dennis Beedon and Marie Cortes-Matte have been knocking on doors and spreading the good newsabout the District’s successes to area merchants and business owners since October and have reached their joint goal of visiting close to 200 businesses per month. Their job is to answer questions about the services the District provides and help businesses connect with the resources they need to succeed. As always, the success of the Montrose Management District depends, in part, on you. Our goals are to improve public safety, business development, transportation and mobility planning, visual improvements and cultural promotion. To the degree that you can assist in any of those areas––or offer viable suggestions for improvements––we always have an open door to welcome volunteers and suggestions.

Thanks for your support!


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Claude Wynn, Chairman of the Board
Montrose Management District

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.