June Recycling Mixer: Uchi

By | June 20, 2013

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Join us for our June Recycling Mixer on June 27th.  This time around our host is the acclaimed sushi (plus, so much more), Uchi.  Please RSVP to attend this event, as space is limited.

June Recycling Mixer
904 Westheimer
Thursday, June 27th
5:30 – 7:30

Tyson Cole’s Uchi on Westheimer is one of the most well-known restaurants on the strip.  What isn’t so well-known is the integration of green principles that guide the company’s business model.  Whether reclaiming an iconic neighborhood restaurant through renovations or seeking out the most effective recycling option available, Uchi honors the environment in every way.  General Manager, Dan Allen, explains just how.

What encouraged you to change your business practices and go green?
As a restaurant company with two locations in Austin and our first here in Houston, we have always tried to implement green practices in our business model because it is the right thing to do. Our owners are very aware that our work impacts the environment in so many ways…from trash to fry oil to the fish we serve.

What was the biggest challenge/what kept you from making the switch earlier?
It mainly is about training the staff to use the proper receptacles and to not mix food waste with recyclable products.

How do you handle your recycling needs?
We are doing our recycling through Waste Management which handles all of our trash as well.

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What does your recycling program entail?
We are fortunate because Waste Management uses single stream recycling so we only need one container to collect the material. We started with just recycling cardboard and now we are moving into recycling more…i.e. glass, plastic, paper.  As I mentioned previously, our challenge is to find the proper receptacles. Our challenge is to find the proper receptacles and a place to keep them so the staff has easy access. They need to be able to separate the recyclable material from the food waste.

How do your customers react to your green status?

We generally don’t “promote” that we are trying to be green…we just do it.

How did your employees react? 
They have been excited about it and are one of the driving forces behind our program.

How has your perspective changed since making the transition?

It never felt like a transition because we opened the restaurant 1 ½ years ago with a part of the program in place. It has been a slow evolution.

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