Speak up! Share ideas! It’s Our Region.

By | September 18, 2012

Our Region The Houston Galveston region is expected to see 4 million new residents in the next 30 years. Where will those residents live? How will this change affect quality of life? How will they get around? The Houston Galveston Regional Plan for sustainable development is an important chance to look forward and find ways to keep our communities prosperous, healthy and attractive for generations to come.

Background: The Houston-Galveston Area Council and a consortium of community partners received a $3.75 million Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant to develop a regional plan for sustainable development for the 13-County Texas Gulf Coast Planning Region. The Houston Galveston Regional Plan for sustainable development will be a high-level, long-range plan for enhancing the region’s quality of life and economic opportunity for residents. This effort is being led by a partnership of 25 organizations, including H-GAC member governments, non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and other partners. For more information on those involved visit http://ourregion.org/about.html

How can you contribute? Enter the MindMixer, an online conversation about people, places and prosperity. The Houston Galveston Regional Plan is opening the floor up to you and looking for practical and creative ideas to improve the communities and region. They are looking for practical ideas about how to improve the region’s most significant resources, including clean air and water, good jobs, safe and attractive neighborhoods, affordable housing, transportation choices, and open spaces and parks.


How to Contribute to the Houston Galveston Regional Plan


Contribute to the plan and the solution. Have an example of sustainability in your neighborhood? Share it. Volunteering in your community? Speak up. Help shape the future of our region with a new idea, feedback and supporting other ideas at http://ideas.ourregion.org.

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