My Montrose: Krista Schuelke of 713 Pilates

By | November 5, 2014
Krista Schuelke
Krista Schuelke

1. Tell me a little bit about 713 Pilates

I’ve been doing Pilates since 2006. Found it, loved it. It’s what works for me and most of my girlfriends. So I thought, if it works for me and all my girlfriends, it should work for everybody else. I took classes and loved them, so I like to offer that price point as well instead of just private sessions.

I always wanted to open my own business, and as I got further and further into Pilates, I realized that I had never seen a really great Reformer studio. Like a studio where you could do anything from rehabilitation like healing a knee to having a really fit pregnancy. So I decided to bring that to Houston.

2. Are your classes open level?

Yes! The beauty of these machines is that any and every body type, male or female, can use them. We have six, so our classes are small, but easier for the instructor to manage.

We also offer a class called Back to the Basics that goes over foundational movements in Pilates.

3. What’s your favorite thing about teaching?

That the classes end up being friends. Everybody ends up knowing each other. I think of it like a happy hour without the alcohol. People come in and chat about their week. It’s the 713 Pilates Community!

4. What made you choose to move into this shopping center with Siphon?

I truly believe this space was just waiting for me. My last space was just too big; I prefer a more intimate, community feel. My lease was coming up, and one of my friends recommended that I check out this space. I ended up meeting the guys from Siphon, and a couple glasses of wine later they were like, “We’re gonna get you in here!” I love this building because it’s like a community.

5. Do you think that is Houston-specific or maybe even Montrose-specific? The feeling of community with local businesses?

Yes, I think it’s such a Montrose thing. I am friends with the Siphon Coffee guys, and the Argyle League guys. We are all each others biggest promoters. And I think it’s even more likely to happen on West Alabama because there just aren’t a lot of franchises on this street.

6. What’s your favorite thing about Montrose?

Well, when I was growing up, it was outside of Houston, and I would drive in here as a teenager and see all the tree-lined streets with people walking and dressed just a little bit different. I love Montrose. Everyone says hi here. Montrose is filled with nice, friendly people.

7. Also, I see you have a Montrose District bike rack outside…

I do! When they were offered, I jumped at the chance to have them outside my studio because my clients could ride their bike to class. When it turned out that they were red and heart-shaped, it was even more exciting because Valentine’s Day is my birthday! So I might even decorate them.


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