Report Potholes Now – Help us test our process

By | January 8, 2016
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As I stated in my inaugural address, infrastructure will be a high priority for my administration. I have heard Houstonians loud and clear; they want improved city roadways and faster repairs.

Starting in mid-January, potholes that are properly reported to the City’s 3-1-1 Help and Information System will be assessed and addressed by the next business day. Our goal is to effectively, efficiently and safely repair each reported pothole within a 24-hour period.

War room meetings have been initiated to ensure we have a streamlined program from the moment the pothole is reported to 311 to the time it is fixed. My department directors understand their marching orders and are using the next two weeks to iron out any issues.

In the meantime, there’s no need to wait to report potholes. In fact, we want you to report them now to help us test our process.

Download the 311 app available in the iTunes and Google app stores or call 311. Additional information is available at

Thank you,
sylvester turner signature
Sylvester Turner

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.