City of Houston 3-1-1

The City of Houston’s new 3-1-1 mobile app is a very user-friendly way to report any problems you might encounter as you move about the city. The new system simplifies communicating problems with the city without having to be on a long hold waiting for someone to take down your information.

What it Does

    Track the status of your reports

    Photo-documentation of your problem using a cell phone camera

    See other issues in the vicinity of your report

Report Issues Regarding

Pot Holes

Clogged Storm drains

Roadway problems

Broken Sidewalks

Side walks that are impassible due to overgrowth of trees or shrubs

Traffic light issues

Broken water mains

Broken sanitary sewer mains

Park equipment that is broken or in need of repair

Flooding during rain events

Get the app

applestore googleplay

    Don’t forget to tweet us your pothole pictures! #MMDpothole

    Win a membership to Houston B-Cycle by using #MMDpothole

The system has been assigned a high priority in the public works department so the responses are faster than ever before. At a time when the city capital improvements priorities have substantially shifted resources away from the Montrose area, use of the app also creates a data base that can be helpful in demonstrating need when decisions are made about budgeting for capital improvements.

The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.