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JW Americana

May 20, 2016
2010 Waugh
Houston,TX 77006
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Rudyard’s presents J.W. Americana.

J. W. Americana (Houston, TX)

In the tradition of great Houston underground rock bands like Culturcide and de Schmog, J.W. Americana is helping reinvigorate a local scene that’s been in a coma since the aforementioned bands laid the conduit for the indie rock explosion of the ‘90s. But J.W. Americana doesn’t adhere to codes of cred, nor does it wink at musical styles and influences. J.W. Americana is a flagrant original. The landscape of American music is covered: searing blues, epic country, pounding punk, even hip-hop.

Former Lowbrow member, Rodney Chinelliott, who has collaborated with Daniel Johnston and Ralph Carney, brings manic energy, slide guitar and bizarre humor. Also of Lowbrow, bassist Doug Kosmo adds sex-pot charisma and presence. Another Lowbrower, Arthur Moreno’s sax lends the ensemble a surprisingly sugar drink jolt. Drummer Shane Lauder is a madman. When he strikes a pose before a torrential pounding, it’s not posturing. He has to do it! J.W. Americana has a good handle on the emotions of rock ‘n’ roll

Through surreal, absurd songs like “Water,” to the disturbing, politically laced “N.R.A.,” and into the rousing ecstasy of “I Fucking Love It,” J.W. Americana paints a spectacular musical portrait. After the screams of “Gasoline” die down, you’ll swear you smelled fumes. “Hot Dogs” jumps from a comical, faux-tender send off into a furious hurricane. At first, you’ll want to write off “Hot Dogs” as a well-executed joke, but the band goes serious with it, and we watch open-mouthed, realizing: wow, there really weren’t any hot dogs in JW’s hometown. That must’ve sucked for him, but thank fucking god for us.

J.W. leaves you drained, tingling and full of fucking joy. – Troy Schulze, Houston Press

The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.