Statement on the Ruling Against Montrose Management District

By | November 2, 2017

In reference to Judge Daryl L. Moore’s ruling in the 333rd Civil Court, Harris County in the case of 1620 HAWTHORNE LTD V. MONTROSE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT

The Montrose Management District is disappointed in the October 31, 2017 ruling by Judge Moore and on November 2, 2017 immediately appealed the decision to the Fourteenth Court of Appeals in Houston. In that court, the district has prevailed in every previous motion related to filings pursued by this plaintiff’s attorney. The district stands by its position that it is operating within its legal charter granted by the State of Texas. No refunds for assessments collected in the West Montrose Management District (the only portion of the district under dispute in this legal action) will be made, pending the outcome of the current appeal.

This public statement will serve as the only public commentary released by the district on this matter.

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.