
By | November 30, 2017

Montrose gets a “Clean” sweep!

Planning, Mobility, Environmental & Urban Design, Visual Improvements, and Cultural Promotions – these projects provide the foundation for enhancing how the District looks and works while also providing a sense of place, a source of community pride, and dramatically impact the decisions of potential investors. During the first ten years plans were developed for projects related to beautification, landscaping, perimeter and interior markers, HWY 59 bridge lighting, banners, flags, custom signage, and monuments.

Programs & Projects developed during The First 10 Years included:

  • Continue the street light reporting program with CenterPoint Energy, the City of Houston, retail electric providers, and others to increase and maintain consistent street lighting in public areas.
  • Continue supplemental mowing, trash pick-up, and bandit sign removal on public rights-of-way. Add new pan and broom maintenance team members, distinctly uniformed to patrol the rights-of-way, assisting with: trash pick-up, observation of infrastructure needs, and suspicious activity.
  • An on-going graffiti abatement program. Since 2008 through mid-July 2017, over 21,000 tags have been removed from public and private properties and trash dumpsters, and the average annual number of tags removed has been trending down since 2015.
  • Monthly surveys of street lights throughout the District and follow-up contacts to CenterPoint Energy to ensure broken or inoperable lights are replaced or repaired.
  • A tri-district contract with the Harris County District Attorney’s office related to nuisance abatement activities.
  • Regular street sweeping program for principal streets, right-of-way de-littering, and trash pick-up.

Summary of Expenditures…

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.