Mayor Turner Speaks to Texas Transportation Commission

By | February 2, 2016
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To mark the start of what will be an increased emphasis by my administration on achieving improved mobility for Houston, I recently traveled to Austin to speak to the Texas Transportation Commission, the agency that decides how state transportation dollars are spent. My message was very specific: the transportation strategies of the past are increasingly inadequate to meet the needs of the future. We know this to be true when congestion has continued to grow despite the added capacity that should have occurred as a result of such major past projects as the 610 Loop, the Beltway and the Grand Parkway.

To successfully accommodate the growth that Houston and other major urban areas are anticipating, there must be a paradigm shift. We need a greater emphasis on intercity rail, regional rail, High Occupancy Vehicle facilities, Park and Rides, Transit Centers, and robust local transit. We need to focus highway resources on the urban cores of our cities, where congestion is most severe. And, finally, we need to maintain collaboration between the City and the State.

Mobility is very important to Houston’s success, and it’s important to me. I look forward to continuing to communicate our progress directly with you. If you would like to read my entire speech, it is available here:

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Sylvester Turner

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