Construction on New Montrose Signs and Esplanades Scheduled to Begin

By | February 11, 2016

mmd-2015-cem-9939On Tuesday, the Montrose District’s Board of Directors unanimously approved bids for two major neighborhood improvement projects that have been in the works for years: the installation of 14 custom-designed identity markers at major intersections along the perimeter of the district, and the construction of six new esplanades situated along some of Montrose’s major traffic arteries. Together with new lighting for the district’s six bridges over US 59, the improvements are intended to give Montrose a more cohesive visual identity, making it even more attractive to new businesses and residents.

“There will now be a consistent vocabulary for Montrose,” said Montrose District Board Chairman Claude Wynn.”You’ll know you are in Montrose because of the character of everything you’re seeing—the signs, the esplanades, the bridge lights. It’s very exciting to finally have a lot of the things we’ve been working on come together at the same time.”

Designed by the acclaimed landscape architecture firm Kudela & Weinheimer, the lighted, nine-foot-tall identity markers will be made of gray aluminum and will feature a striking Art Deco–style design. “These aren’t just little toppers on street signs,” Wynn said. “From the beginning, I was very insistent that this had to be world-class stuff. We’re not just going to do esplanades where you plant a few flowers—these have to have high-quality design so they’re there for the duration.”

From the beginning, the board was determined not to do anything halfway, said Montrose District Executive Director David Hawes: “Good planning brings good results, and this is the culmination of a couple of years of hard work.” The signs, the esplanades, and the bridge lighting are all scheduled to be completed by the end of 2016, just in time for Super Bowl LI in February 2017.

Also discussed at Tuesday’s board meeting was the district’s application to the City of Houston for a special parking area, which will allow for better utilization of current both off- and on-street parking at commercial properties. Montrose District Director of Special Projects Tony Allender said that the district is following a “first do no harm” policy. “We don’t want to create any additional problems in residential neighborhoods,” Allender said. “We want to decrease the problems.”

The cumulative effect of all these improvement projects—the bridge lighting, the new signage, the reimagined esplanades, the special parking area—will be to enhance Montrose’s identity as one of Houston’s most dynamic neighborhoods. “It was really important to me that we didn’t do anything temporary,” Wynn said. “The identity markers, along with the esplanades, will become part of the fabric of Montrose.”

5 responses to “Construction on New Montrose Signs and Esplanades Scheduled to Begin”

  1. What are they doing to the esplanades? How will they not block the SIGNIFICANT traffic up/down Montrose now, while they do this?

    • Marylinn Schwanitz

      While I applaud and deeply appreciate the work you are doing to meet the needs of our neighborhood, I beg you to reconsider the design of the signs. Please. We are a haven with history. A green, artistic, and traditional yet eclectic blend. We are not Kirby! Modern deco is a fashion . Please, please. Don’t do that to us. Reconsider. Present us with options and let us as residents vote. Then make a decision. Thank you .

  2. As much as I like modern design, having worked in prizewinning architectural businesses, I dont feel this captures what Montrose is about, what it has been, and where the residents want it to go.

    It would be far more suitable for River Oaks. The design is as if someone went to the art deco style Kroger there, and merely copied it.

    Its as f the design committee wanted to make Montrose interested another Kirby or River Oaks. I firmly believe the residents of Montrose dont want that.

    Everything is not better about those places. I for one, paid more, to NOT have to live in Kirby or River Oaks, so I would hate to see it morph into that.

    Perhaps this will be one of those failed attempts the residents wont accept, and ultimately taken down. A completely tone deaf design committee is a good start fir it to end that way.

  3. Jerry sebesta

    Why are trees and shrubbery along Lovett esplanades being marked with red ribbons and a few with green ribbons. It seems in my experience red is cut down and green is save. What is going on, some of these were planted years ago by residents when the city could not be bothered. Is there an answer forthcoming?

  4. Jerry sebesta

    On another subject, has this group even faintly considered using some of the million$ to the betterment of sidewalks and creating a more walkable neighborhood.

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.