Time To Meet The Neighbors: October 6 Is National Night Out

By | September 30, 2015

National Night Out LogoA national initiative to get people outside to meet their neighbors — and those that serve their neighborhoods — is back October 6th. A large number of neighborhood associations, civic clubs and neighborhoods are hosting events for National Night Out in Montrose; here are just a few. Expect fellowship, food (in some cases), fun and even a visit from local police and firemen.

Don’t see your neighborhood represented? There are more events planned, just check with neighbors or scan your local newsletter for information.

East Montrose Civic Club
2007 Grant, Anderson Fair
6-8 p.m.

Hyde Park United Association
1400 Hyde Park, Lamar Park
6-8 p.m.

Fairmont Museum District
4310 Dunlavy
6-8 p.m.

Vermont Commons
2025 Fairview
6-8 p.m.

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.