Melange Creperie Hopes To Kickstart Their Way Into A Permanent Montrose Location

By | February 4, 2015
Credit: Melange Creperie via Facebook
Credit: Melange Creperie via Facebook

A Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for Melange Creperie launched today, February 4, according to the Houston Chronicle. The beloved crepe stand was already a fixture at 403 Westheimer before announcing intentions earlier this month to move into a brick-and-mortar location.

Owner Sean Carroll’s primary goal is to raise $50,000 through the crowd funding website, but claims if the campaign can double that number, “he would be able to reach his ultimate goal: keeping his business in Montrose” which he fondly refers to as the “Left Bank of Houston.”

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.