Spanish Restaurant In Montrose Earns Two-Star Review

By | January 22, 2015
Credit: BCN Taste & Tradition via Facebook
Credit: BCN Taste & Tradition via Facebook

Chronicle food critic Alison Cook took a liking to the young, Montrose Spanish restaurant BCN Taste & Tradition at 4210 Roseland. That liking warranted a two-star review, which translates as “very good; one of the best restaurants of its kind.”

Impressing Cook were dishes of cod jowls, razor clams, “freshly pickled white anchovies dotted with chives and pale golden olive oil,” among a few others, though she did have issues with consistency.

Cook says the “quality of the food on four visits has swung wildly,” thus the two-star rating over a three-star. However, she ends on a very high note calling out the potential of the upscale, less-than-a-year-old Spanish restaurant, feeling the “next level of excellence seems tantalizingly close.”

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