Montrose’s resident inline skate dancer takes his moves to a national stage

By | June 21, 2014

An attempt to lose weight 15 years ago has led one Houstonian to the big stage — national television. Affectionately known as the Montrose Dancing Rollerblader, Juan Carlos started his famous hobby as a way to keep the pounds in check. Over the years, his very public performances near the corner of Allen Pkwy and Montrose Blvd have become something passing motorists have come to expect.

Carlos’ signature combo of inline skating and intense boogying landed him an audition for the NBC television series, America’s Got Talent when it came to Houston recently. The Houston Chronicle reports the air date for Carlos’ booty-shaking episode is this Sunday, June 22 at 8 p.m. You’ll have to stay tuned to see if he’ll make it to the next round.

Video credit: Alex Luster/YouTube


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