A Letter From the Executive Director

By | December 16, 2013

2013 is the year the District got into full swing improving our neighborhood. Many initiatives that were started in earlier years are really taking off, and yet more have moved from a hopeful future dream into a goal for the coming year. In short, the Montrose District has been more successful in 2013 than we could have hoped for.

Our BikeShare program, which as of previous writings was still in its infancy, has expanded to seven stations in the Montrose area connecting riders to a much larger network throughout downtown, the Heights, and West U. The program is seeing unprecedented success in Houston, and reducing traffic congestion as a result.

In 2014, you can also expect to see District-branded bike racks popping up at businesses throughout the neighborhood. Montrose has many residents and visitors that get around primarily on personal bikes, and in the coming year we are answering their call for safer, more secure bike parking.

Additionally, we have the very first Montrose special parking management district in the approval process with the city. This parking district would improve congestion along the Westheimer corridor from Shepherd to Waugh by allowing lot sharing and relaxing proximity rules for businesses. To learn more about this proposal, please visit the District’s website at montrosedistrict.org.

The popular Montrose Bridge Lighting Project is also moving along. We have secured TXDOT funding and an agreement with an engineer to get the project underway in early 2014. We hope to have the bridges lit by the end of the year, and connected to a network of LED-lit neighborhood designation signs that will border Montrose and welcome visitors.

These are just some of the most successful projects of the District over the past year. We hope to get more going in 2014 as these are completed, and to continue to bolster the District’s development economically, socially, and culturally. If you have ideas for us, or comments on our current implementation, please do not hesitate to contact me or other board members through montrosedistrict.org.

Happy Holidays


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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.