Texas Transportation Commission approves funding for Montrose bridge improvements

By | July 29, 2013
59 Bridge

From the desk of the Executive Director, Montrose Management District:

I have wonderful news to share. I received a phone call from Terri Kaplan to advise that the Texas Transportation Commission received their recommended list of projects from staff and voted to approve the Montrose Management District’s application for funding to re-light the bridges over US Hwy 59 at their meeting +Thursday morning. We still have a process to work through to get that done, but we now have funding to do it!!!

The bridges of US 59, when constructed, represented the best in architectural beauty that TxDOT has delivered to any project in recent time. When originally constructed ten years ago their opening was received with great fanfare due, not only to their beauty, but also their fiber optic lights which illuminated the structures at night, basking them in a multi-colored light that left the entire city in awe of their iconic presence.

This project will replace the non-functioning original light strands with a state-of-the-art LED lighting system that not only will bring back the glorious illumination that has been missing from the US 59 corridor for almost ten years, but will also create a safer environment both below the bridge decking and also for vehicular & pedestrian traffic on the bridges.

The link provided by the Montrose bridge cannot be understated. Montrose is the only north/south connector west of the Central Business District that connects traffic from the heavily traveled I-10 to the Medical Center. The bridges not only provides a vital mobility link to communities on both sides, but also are a source of pride for the entire region due to their iconic nature.

These bridges received international acclaim for their beauty and functionality when first opened. The proposed improvements will serve not only to increase the safety for all users of the bridges, but also will restore the lighting that renders the structures a marvel to witness.

We are super excited for the Montrose Management District, for the Montrose community, and for the city of Houston.

Now the real work will begin!

In celebration,

Executive Director
Montrose Management District


View the full press release.

View Minute Order on Montrose Funding

You can listen to the Executive Director, Montrose Management District speak about the district on KUHF here.

12 responses to “Texas Transportation Commission approves funding for Montrose bridge improvements”

  1. Nikki Owen

    Thank you….I live in Montrose…..and work in Sugar Land..have loved the bridges since they were built but have missed the lighting. Thank you for staying on top of this.
    Look forward to the LIGHTS!!!

    • Lenny Williams

      Nikki! We love the bridges too! Thank you for the kind words, as this has been a l-o-n-g process! Stay tuned for more info.

  2. Yeah, something to get excited about.Houston finally gets some assistance from state when it comes to it’s freeway system which could use some cleanup.Every time I get on 59 going to Galleria.I cringe at the clutter,trash,graffiti.I immediately think when I’m in Dallas, or Austin theirs seems to be better maintained. Can you imagine when the few tourist we do get drive toward Galleria area see this,i I know I’m living in a dream world “But Enough Tagging” already!!

    • Lenny Williams

      Thanks for sharing your excitement! We are excited too! MMD also works on graffiti removal within the district ( http://montrosedistrict.org/public-safety-officers-roll-out-crime-prevention-initiatives/ ). Please let us know when you see ‘tagging’ in the neighborhood by visiting our home page. Look for the ‘How Can We Help?’ section. You can make a report there!

      • The graffiti news is helpful. I have submitted several graffiti problems through the Houston 311 app and find that only about half are resolved.

        • Lenny Williams

          Depending on the location, MMD can get to graffiti reports in about 24 hours. Keep us posted on tags in your area. We will do our best to remove them ASAP!

      • When are they going to start maintaining the landscape along the 59 south corridor. It really looks awful. All the growth has overtaken the lights and other areas along the freeway. I don’t believe this area has been maintained since the freeway was reconstructed ten years ago.

  3. Wonderful news! I live near the Woodhead Street bridge. The bridges have needed cleaning for some time. I remember when these bridges were constructed and how cool the lights looked.

    • Lenny Williams

      These LED lights are gonna be even cooler! Tell all your neighbors the good news as well!

  4. John E. Cutler

    Bill, Great news.


  5. Stathis Kafoglis

    Incredible Job Bill! A testament to perserverence and passion. Thank you for your hard work and service in making this happen.

    Respectfully, Stathis

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.