Randy Rucker Testing the Waters at 4411 Montrose Dinner

By | September 4, 2012

Rumors have been swirling on Chef Randy Rucker‘s next endeavor and we couldn’t be happier that he announced his return to Houston for an exclusive two-night event in the former Tart space. September 13 and 14, Rucker is hosting a BYOB “Testing the Waters” dinner. From his website, it will be a “multi-course dinner showcasing several traditional & untraditional applications of the gold harvested from the gulf of mexico.”  The suggested donation is $85.00 and tickets can only be purchased via his Paypal link on his site.


You don’t have to be psychic to know this is a sell out event – and fast. Get your tickets here.

3 responses to “Randy Rucker Testing the Waters at 4411 Montrose Dinner”

  1. right on. thanks

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board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
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