Get the 411: Montrose District Newsletter

By | September 27, 2012

Montrose Management DistrictHere’s the scoop on what’s happening in your Montrose: ParksByYou, a new website, public safety report, street sweeping, recycling mixers, and the Mayor’s Montrose – OH MY!

Each month the District publishes and distributes the latest news and happenings in Montrose. Get on the same page and download the latest edition: Montrose Newsletter Fall 2012

A message from the Executive Director, Montrose Management District

“In this quarter we are pleased to share with you that our monthly recycling mixers have been a huge success as have our quarterly recycling events.
Included in the newsletter are the upcoming mixers through December and information on the next quarterly recycling event on October 27. In addition to the recycling events, the events planning committee is working on developing a monthly shopping and dining event as well as a quarterly Montrose Market Days. We hope to have an action plan in place in the 4th quarter of this year or the 1st quarter of 2013. Please contact district staff if you are interested in assisting with the planning of these events. In business and economic development we are focused on a long-range strategy for growth and development. The Business and Economic Development Committee will focus on new development projects, lending assistance where possible with an eye toward making them compatible with the unique character and flavor of the Montrose Management District.

As was reported in previous editions, we hope to share soon additional good news about the relighting of the bridges over Hwy 59, an update on our District identity markers and more information on our holiday decoration plans. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is currently reviewing a proposal submitted by the District to undertake that project on behalf of TxDOT. We are also excited to share that our new website, with additional functionality to make it a resource for  all things Montrose, will be launched by the end of the
month. We have also launched our first e-newsletter and I encourage you to visit the website,, to sign up to receive the e-news and to monitor our progress with the launch of our final phases.

And finally, thank you for all that you do to make our community vibrant and unique. Be assured that, along with our board members and committee leaders, the District is always open to your suggestions and ideas, welcoming any input that leads us toward our goals of an even more vibrant and diverse community in the years to come.”


Have a story idea? Know someone who should be interviewed? Love a special Montrose business? Sound off and let us know in the comments here.

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The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.