Taize Prayer and Song
- When
- February 21, 2016
- Where
St John the Divine Episcopal Church
2450 River Oaks Blvd
Houston,TX 77019 - Cost
- Free
Go Deeper this Lent as the St. John the Divine choirs of Music for Children and Youth lead a contemplative service of song and prayer in the style of Taizé, featuring song, prayer, and silence that quiets the mind, opens the heart and feeds the soul.
Using simple melody and words, a basic reality of faith is expressed. Both melody and text are grasped quickly by the heart and intellect, and gradually penetrate the whole being.
Most especially, Taizé Prayer is a time of quiet in the presence of God.
Although Taizé speaks directly to older youth and young adults, it is timeless and deeply meaningful to people of all ages. In our world of nonstop activity and constant connectivity, our need to be in God’s presence in quietness and simplicity has never been greater.
In Taizé Prayer, everyone is given the opportunity to experience the mystery of God that is empowering, yet defies explanation.