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Jenny Parrott and the Meatloaf Spaceship

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Jenny Parrott and the Meatloaf Spaceship

June 27, 2016
McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
2425 Norfolk
Houston,TX 77098
$15.00 - $17.00
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McGonigel’s Mucky Duck presents Jenny Parrott and the Meatloaf Spaceship.

Jenny Parrott has been singing since she was four, mostly to herself, at bus stops and while shooting hoops.

Got her first free junky gitar at 17 and started writing songs. moved to Lincoln, Nebraska did too many sketchy things, went to atx, met cool ppl, was in some bands, bands slowed down, now shes (i- it’s really me writing this!) made 5 albums with those other bands and is starting out leading her own first band all by hermyself and its called meatloaf spaceship. it rulz. xo lots of singing and feefees and excellent musicians all around.

The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.