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CAMH Family Day with Travis Boyer, The Community Cloth, and Eva Ybarra

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CAMH Family Day with Travis Boyer, The Community Cloth, and Eva Ybarra

October 17, 2015
Contemporary Arts Museum Houston (CAMH)
5216 Montrose
Houston,TX 77006
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Be inspired by the exhibitions Whispering Bayou and Texas Design Now at this month’s CAMH Family Day, featuring hands-on activities led by artists and designers and a performance by renowned conjunto musician Eva Ybarra.

From 12-4PM, join Brooklyn-based artist Travis Boyer for a hand-on workshop titled “Denim, Please Elaborate.”

Embellished denim could be considered a diverse craft that spans a variety of distinct and overlapping cultural heritages. The embroidered and patched denim of miners, African American quilters, rhinestone cowboys, crusty studded punks, are celebrated at this Family Day. T

he workshop will include dry processes such as bedazzling, embroidery, studs, and appliqué, and wet processes such as indigo, puff paint, and dye markers. B

ring a pair of jeans, a jacket, or some fabric and anything else you can possibly think of!

The Community Cloth will also be on-site demonstrating their unique process used to create the incredible soft and colorful textiles as seen in their work featured in Texas Design Now.

And, don’t miss “The Queen of the Accordion” Eva Ybarra, who will perform in the museum galleries, showing off the conjunto sound that has made her a legend among musicians worldwide.

Admission is free and open to the public.

The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.