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Hadden Sayers

December 28, 2016
McGonigel’s Mucky Duck
2425 Norfolk
Houston,TX 77098
$20.00 - $22.00
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McGonigel’s Mucky Duck presents Hadden Sayers.

As a songwriter, Sayers manipulates classic tropes, from blues, R&B, and rock into something not quite new, but plenty fresh. Melodies and hooks are his strengths, along with passionate vocals and a plethora of guitar licks.

Showcasing a variety of approaches to the blues, heis consistently engaging and enjoyable.

For the most part, Sayers gets in and gets out, gearing his musical statements to three-minute blasts of hook-filled, energetic songs the way they did it back when people bought 45 rpm records.

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/haddensayers

The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.