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Wine & Art of California in the 20th Century

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Wine & Art of California in the 20th Century

May 26, 2015
The Texas Wine School
2437 Bartlett
Houston,TX 77098
$4 - $192
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The Texas Wine School presents a class, Wine & Art of California in the 20th Century. Tuesday, May 26.

During this two-hour class, consider California’s leading art movements of the 20th century, matched with wines of comparable styles.

By the turn of the 20th century, California was at the forefront of American wine, and today accounts for 90 percent of the nation’s production. Over 1,200 wineries scattered along 700 miles of coast and in the Central Valley produce pure and blended wines using wine-making artistry to enhance the grapes’ natural qualities.

During the same hundred-year period, California’s atmospheric light and cool, oceanic air attracted artists from around the nation. Many had trained in Europe, and arrived with new theories and techniques of the French Impressionists and Post-Impressionists. Since then, artists in California transitions from derivative to proactive, resulting in some of the most innovative, engaging, and influential art movements.

We will be tasting 8 wines, here is just a taste!

1. California Impressionism & California Tonalism
white / land, light, and subtle – Sauvignon Blanc

2. California Abstract Expressionism
white / bold, individualistic and diversified – Chardonnay (new wood)

3. Bay Area Figurative Movement
white / human, emotional and raw – Gewürztraminer

4. Funk Art
red / earthy, material and quirky – Cabernet Sauvignon

5. The Chicano Mural Movement
red / Latino, large and colorful – Tempranillo (or Zinfandel)

6. Installation, Conceptual & Video Art
red / brainy, esoteric and aloof – Pinot Noir

The Montrose Management District
board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
has been postponed indefinitely.