Should Montrose Be Home To A Statue Memorializing Bill Hicks?
Montrose’s Free Press founder Omar Afra has been on a mission to erect a statue for Bill Hicks — a Houstonian comedian known for his social criticism that passed away in 1994 — and it’s finally nearing completion. Afra tells The Texican, a Chronicle blog, that production of the statue’s cast is in the “final stages” in Utah and could be finished by the middle of next year.
While the statue may be in its final stages, its final home has yet to be determined. Afra welcomes the idea of displaying it in a public place, and working with the city to make that happen, but he wants to make sure it will be located “somewhere it would be appreciated.”
The Texican conjectures that “there seems to be only one place in Houston for Hicks in bronze form: Montrose.” Adding that though the dynamics within the neighborhood are changing, it would be a “welcome addition.”
Where do you think the statue should go?
This Statue and ones to come, I feel should be or could be placed at the intersection just west of Blacksmith as the street curves. We could use this wasted space for Bill’s statue and ones I feel we should erect in the near future
The space I am in reference to is a triangle piece of property that now has some trees on it, could be supplied with water and used as a monument site for a Montrose wall of sorts to honor those who did political activism and satire to keep the haters at BAY. MONTROSE is such a focal point in the state of Texas and needs to have its due recognition, lets all make our comments and see if we can get some attention done. Next time in Blacksmith while waiting for coffee look down at the floor and notice the pink Triangle in the floor. IT is there for a reason, remember the major hater of the world ADOLF and his use of the upside down Pink triangle on the arm bands