Mosquito Safety for You and Your Pet

By | August 22, 2012

With this summer’s heat and sporadic downpours has come an increase in those pesky, biting insects … including those carrying the West Nile Virus. With our friends to the north facing “the worst West Nile outbreak in the US this year,” it is important to remember the 4 D’s to keep you and your loved ones safe from mosquitoes:

1) Stay indoors at Dusk and Dawn. This is the most active times for mosquitoes.

2) Dress in long sleeves/pants, loose and light colored clothing when spending time outdoors.

3) Defend yourself from mosquitoes by using insect repellent that contains DEET, Picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Follow label instructions.

4) Drain standing water in your yard and neighborhood. Make sure that flower pots, water dishes, bird baths, and wading pools are properly drained so they are not breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Download the HCPHES tip sheet: Fight the Bite in Montrose! Or visit their website for more details:


UPDATE: If you know of a vacant home in Montrose with a swimming pool that has standing water in it, please contact Officer Wayne Pate at the Near Town [Montrose] Neighborhood Storefront at 713 284-8604 and they’ll get it taken care of.

Keeping pups safe in Montrose
photo credit: Jenni Rebecca Stephenson

But what about your furry, four-pawed friends who just want to romp outside? DEET can be toxic for some pooches. Local vets at the West Alabama Animal Clinic recommend [and stock] Avon’s Skin So Soft to repel mosquitoes for your pets. Swing by and pick some up for your outdoor, all-family outings.

The West Alabama Animal Clinic is a full-service veterinary medical facility located at West Alabama near Shepherd. They have won multiple Best Vet awards on Houston Press Best Of and offer everything for the pampered pooch, including boarding and acupuncture. A full list of services and some handy care guides are available on their website: [You can also like them on facebook where they post cute pictures and solid pet advice.]


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board workshop meeting scheduled for April 3
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